viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021

Queenie I-O

 This is a really well known game in the UK and other English speaking countries and it only requires a small ball e.g. tennis ball.

This game is called "Queenie I-O" and I need one volunteer to be "it". For the purpose of this game it is called "Queenie".

The rest of you need to be directly opposite "Queenie". I will give the ball to "Queenie" and on my signal he/she has to turn around and throw the ball backwards over his/her head. "Queenie" remains with his/her back to the group until someone catches the ball and shouts "I´ve got it".

Ensure that, when "I have got it" is shouted, that everyone in the group has their hands behind their back, pretending to hold the ball.

Then, "Queenie" should turn around and try to guess who has the ball. If he/she guesses correctly then he/she continues being "Queenie", but if he/she guesses incorrectly, the person that has the ball becomes "Queenie".

In England when someone gets the ball the whole class would sing a song:

"Queenie, Queenie who´s got the ball?

I havent got it

It isnt´t in my pocket.

Queenie Quenie who´s got the ball?"

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